The Camel Festival is a lively and colorful event organized in Bikaner by the Department of Tourism, Art and Culture by Government of Rajasthan. It is celebrated in the month of January.
This festival is celebrated in honor of the ship of the desert ‘the camel’. Situated in the heart of the desert belt, Bikaner and its people in historical times and before the advent of modern motor vehicles depended on the ship of the desert for travel. People believe that their survival as a social being would not have been possible in the unforgiving conditions of the desert without camels.
The camels of this region are famous for their endurance as well as their strength and beauty. In fact, the Bikaner army had an elite camel corps called the Ganga Risala, which took active part in both the world wars. The Ganga Risala was a Camel unit in the Army of independent India and it even took part in the Indo-Pak wars. Bikaner also boasts of the only camel breeding center in India. The army still maintains a regiment where these brave animals serve at the Border Security Force.
The festival begins with a colorful procession of beautifully decorated camels from the majestic Junagarh Fort forming the backdrop of the procession and heads to the open ground where the festivities begin in earnest. The camel pageant is held on the first day. Here the camel owners show off their camel’s decorations and jewelry. Camel dance performances are also held. There are competitions for the best decorated camels, camel milking and also for the best fur cutting design camels. The colorful bridles, bejeweled necks and jingling anklets cast a magical spell on the audience.
On the second day the fleetest camels of the region take part in the camel races. The competition is fierce as the best camels vie for the honors. Thousands of excited tourists and locals cheer their favorites. Stalls of various handicraft items like pottery, antiques, jewelry and clothes can be visited. These events are organized especially for promoting the camel breeders of the region and to revive the age-old traditions of taming and training camels.
On both days the evening ends with a rendezvous with renowned folk artists of Rajasthan. The jubilant, skirt twirling dances, the awe inspiring fire dances and many other equally interesting performances entertain the visitors.
We have all the arrangements for our guests but these have to be pre booked and reserved. We recommend our guests to carry their hats, scarves and sunscreen to protect their skin from the morning winter sun. Also carry enough warm clothes for chilly nights and early mornings. We help our guests to make a moment out of this once in a lifetime opportunity to cherish.
Cultural Excursion Package – We, at Umaid Safaris, provide an opportunity to the travelers around the world to encounter the extravagant camel festival and desert life experience. During the camel festival in Bikaner, we arrange your stay at the festival site near the village Laderan with farmer families and taste traditional meals cooked with love. Guests can stay in contemporary mud houses and enjoy the festival during the day. All the transportation will be done by camel cart.